Helpful Resources and Important Numbers

Artistic renditions by Aditi Misra.
No matter where you are in Ottawa, you can get immediate help.
Numbers To Call:
Ottawa – Carleton Police: 613-236-1222
Emergency: 911
Nelson House of Ottawa-Carleton: 613-225-3129
Chrysalis House: 613-591-5901
Interval House: 613-234-5181
Maison D’Amitie: 613-747-0020
Minwaashin Lodge: 613-741-5590
Find a shelter near you with ShelterSafe, Canadian Network of Women’s Shelters.
Find temporary housing and care for your pets with Safe Pet Ottawa.
Support Groups/Counseling
Assaulted Women's Helpline: 1-866-863-0511
Distress Centre: 613-238-3311
Kids Help Phone: 1-800-668-6868 provides confidential phone and web counselling for children ages 20 and under, 24/7.
Youth Services Bureau: 613-729-1000 provides youth and family counselling, crisis support, a 24/7 crisis line, walk-in counselling and an online crisis chat service for youth at
Mental Health Hub: 613-562-3004.
Ottawa Rape Crisis Centre: The ORCC supports and empowers trans and cis women, trans men, two-spirit, gender-fluid, and non-binary survivors. The crisis line provides service 7 days a week to survivors of sexual violence, supporters, family and friends of survivors. Accompaniment can be arranged through the Crisis Line to hospital and police. Reach someone now by calling 613-562-2333.
Fem-Aide: 1-877-336-2433 Fem'aide offers French-speaking women struggling with gender-based violence, support, information and referral to the appropriate services in their community, 24 hours a day, 7 days a week./ Fem’aide offre aux femmes d’expression française aux prises avec la violence sexiste, du soutien, des renseignements et de l’aiguillage vers les services appropriés dans leur collectivité, 24 heures par jour, 7 jours par semaine.
Unsafe at Home Ottawa: WhatsApp or text us at (613) 704-5535. Unsafe at Home Ottawa is a secure text and online chat service for women and members of LGBTQ2S+ communities in Ottawa and Lanark County who may be living through increased violence and abuse at home during the COVID-19 pandemic.
Community Health and Resource Centres
Gloucester: 613-745-4818
Somerset: 613-238-8210
Carlington: 613-722-4000
Nepean: 613-596-5626
Pinecrest-Queensway: 613–820-4922
Western Ottawa Community Resource Centre: 613-591-3686
Family Services Centre: 613-725-3601
Catholic Family Services: 613-233-8478
Web Links on Family Violence, Statistics, Women's and Children Services & Other Information:
Statistics Canada: When on this website, please search for keys words such as 'Family Violence' or 'Violence against Women' in order to obtain recent statistics about familial abuse.
Women’s Health Bureau: A great resource to learn about women’s health, health services, and things being done to improve and maintain these services.
Ontario Women’s Justice Network (OWJN): An online legal resource for women’s organizations and individuals working on issues related to justice and violence against women and children