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If you are in immediate danger, please call 911
En cas d'urgence appeller 9-1-1
Pour du soutien de crise veuillez appeler Fem’Aide au 1-877-336-2433.
Ou veuillez appeler la Maison d’amitié au 613-747-0020 ou au 613-744-7789.
Artistic renditions by Aditi Misra
Help us Help Them

November is Domestic Violence Awareness Month!
For the last decade, the Wrapped in Courage Campaign has been growing awareness of gender-based violence across Ontario through purple scarves. These scarves mean something different to everyone who wears them. Some wear a purple scarf during Woman Abuse Prevention month and the 16 Days of Activism to End Gender Based Violence to show their support for local GBV services, while some are signaling to survivors that they are believed, valued and never alone. For some, they wear a purple scarf to remember those who lost their lives to femicide and show they are committed to change.
Just like survivors of gender-based violence across Ontario, every Wrapped in Courage 2024 Campaign Purple Scarf is unique!
Click here to own your scarf today!
There are two scarf designs:
cobweb or circle

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Third Annual Sue Sherring Commemoration
held on Tuesday, October 1st, 2024
2024 saw another successful Susan Sherring Commemoration event .
With over 70 people in attendance, we not only shared the important work we do, but the organizers worked tirelessly and raised over $13,000 to help women and children.
We are deeply grateful.
Second Annual Susan Sherring Legacy Fund Celebration
On September 28, 2023 family, friends, and Nelson House supporters gathered to honour the life of Susan Sherring, a dedicated volunteer, reporter, and community leader, who was passionate about helping women and children escape domestic violence. Since Sue’s passing in 2022, her family has established the Susan Sherring Legacy Fund to provide immediate assistance for residents of Nelson House who are rebuilding their lives after intimate partner violence. Please click here to make a gift to the Susan Sherring Legacy Fund

Nelson House Supported by "100 Men Who Care"
On Thursday, February 9th, 2023 Nelson House was invited to participate in the 100 Men Who Care campaign.
We were proud to be part of this special evening.
Christy Savage, Nelson House Executive Director, spoke to 100 Men Who Care about the important work we do at Nelson House and of the work ahead.
Thank you to 100 Men Who Care for inviting us to shine a light on our sector.